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Our Team – Outremont


Dre Marylène Duchesne

joined our team in 2001. Our clients and patients soon learned to appreciate her professionalism and compassion for cats.

Unfortunately, she passed away in December 2013.


was the mascot of our clinic from April 2006 to March 2010, when he had to leave due to a medical condition. He greatly appreciated the companionship and cuddles of our patients, who knew him well. We still keep great memories of him and he will forever stay irreplaceable.

Stérilisation Outremont

Dre Caroline Salembier

Dre Salembier graduated from Université de Montréal in 1992. After practising in a mixed clinic for a few years, she joined Chaton Santé Clinique Vétérinaire Pour Chats in 1996, realizing her dream of working in a cats-only practice, where she brought her professionalism and enthusiasm for feline medicine. She bought the clinic in 2001.

Dre Veronique Allaman

After graduating from Université de Montréal in 2010, Dre Allaman practised in a few clinics before joining our team in May 2015. Passionate about cats, she distinguishes herself with her compassion for her patients and her knowledge of feline medicine.

Stérilisation Outremont

Animal Health Technician

Our registered Animal Health Technician (AHT) is at the clinic from Monday to Friday, until 3PM. Her professionalism, sense of responsibility and love for cats has greatly improved the care we give to our patients.

You can also call her if you have any questions about the health of your little feline family members.

Our receptionists

Our receptionists are always here to assist you on the phone or in person with a bright smile and a warm welcome. They will provide you with the information you need or give you an appointment to meet with one of our veterinarians.

Cat Boarding Outremont